Online Banks

Paypal is an online bank as I mentioned before. Now I tell you how to register here and which account type. 
Click on the banner below

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.
If the banner isn't visible, copy and paste this link to register

Now start registration. Make a ‘personal’ account there and skip the ‘visa card’ option. If you have visa card enter your visa card and proceed with registration process. One more thing save/remember your paypal ID you will need it to register on PTC sites.

Alertpay is also an online bank. You might be thinking what’s the difference between paypal and alertpay? Let me tell you. Some PTC sites pay through paypal and some through alertpay and some through both. Moreover to proceed with registration process on you will require paypal ID and alertpay ID. So its better to make account on both of these.Click on the banner to register now.

make a ‘personal pro’ account. Skip the options where they ask for visa or something like that, which didn’t allow you to proceed. If you have visa card enter your visa card number also and proceed instead of skipping.
If not able to see banner copy n paste this link in your browser