PTC stands for “Paid to click” sites. Still didn’t get what it means? Read further. PTC sites are normal online earning sites where you surf or view advertisements (ads). These sites provide communication between advertisers and consumers. Consumers are like us only who want to earn from home. An advertiser pays money to advertise his/her ad on these sites. Some of this money goes to consumers or viewers. Thus we get earned.
How it works?
The process is slow and simple. You can’t expect to earn and become rich in a night unless you have become professional in this online PTC business. Every ptc site has memberships generally like standards, premium, golden, etc.
1. First of to earn from these ptc sites you need to have account on paypal and alertpay. These two sites are online banks for you. The money you earn from PTC sites is stored here. So you ought to make an account here, otherwise you can’t register on any PTC site. So you got it ,it’s the necessity. It doesn’t takes much time. Click on ‘paypal’ tab to know how to create account on paypal and which account. To create account on ‘alertpay’ click ‘alertpay’ tab. 

2. Before reading this step, I hope you completed step 1. After you have created account on paypal and alertpay both. Now it comes to joining sites. Now there are thousands of PTC sites on internet. A fresher can’t figure out which is legitimate paying site and which one is fraud. So I will free you from that tension. I will provide you links for legitimate paying sites. Click ‘ptc sites’ tab above and register on these sites.
3. After you have registered you might want to know what to do after registration. There are so many sites that you need to remember so many usernames and passwords. But you can save these passwords and usernames somewhere else so that u didn’t forgot your passwords.
HINT: try to register with same usernames and passwords. This will reduce your overhead.
4. Now I will tell you how to view/surf ads. After you log onto these sites. You will see “view ads” or “surf ads” tab somewhere on the page. Just click the tab and you will be provided with your number of ads. Just click on one add and a dot will appear there. Click on dot and it will direct you to ad page. Visit that page until the money is credited to you. After that close the ad page and view another ads.

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